Sweet Commute

A sweet commute. However you are getting there

Quick Guide to Minimalist Running Shoes

I’ve been a ‘minimal shoe’ runner for over a decade now. Minimalist shoes seem to go through a peak and decline cycle over the years. Mainstream running shoe manufacturers never seem to quite nail it in their attempts at producing minimalist or ‘barefoot’ shoes. This has given opportunities for the likes or XeroShoes and more recently (for a bargain running shoe) Saguaro* to produce a more minimal shoe. Minimalist running shoes offering a stark contrast to the traditional, heavily cushioned running shoes and an escape from the ‘carbon plate everywhere’ marketing.

Organise your race medals with LEDK

We don’t often promote a specific product, however the wall mounted Race Medal organsers from LEDX Running caught our eye a week or two back. A good quality metal wall mounted rack for all your (well up to 32!) of your event finishers medal collection. They have a number of designers for running and multisport, so now is a great time to get those medals out from the drawers and boxes and create your own tribute to getting out there and doing it!

Things that came to mind on a forced commute home x3

Sometimes life can throw you a curveball and plans don’t work out. I found myself having to walk home the other day as my car was in the shop and my son, who was picking me up after work had his start time for work change. So I ended up having to walk the commute home. No big deal I thought, it’s only 5 or 6 kilometres (3.1 – 3.7 miles) from work to home, so shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Can I run or cycle to work every day?

Running or cycling to work each day may seem contrary to the advice found in most training plans. Running or cycling to work each day can have many health and fitness benefits if approached the right way. Should I run or cycle every day? Running or cycling every day is achievable. You need to consider whether you want to, or if it is logistically possible. Check your motivation for your running or cycling commute.

How to run with your phone and keys.

Running with your phone is a great way to keep in touch with everyone, and is excellent in the case of an emergency. Maybe you enjoy listening to music for extra motivation, but running with your phone in your hand can be awkward at the best of times. If your hands get very sweaty, it makes it a mission to swipe your phone to do anything. The worst issue is, of course, accidentally dropping your phone, and we all know what the outcome will be if that happens, and it’s not pretty.

How to stop your glasses from fogging up?

One of the worst things about having to wear glasses is if they fog up while you wear them. Quite common if you go between different temperature environments. When we are commuting to work the first steps outside or into the office building can cause our glasses to fog in an instant. We’ve all had the glass fog when we’ve opened the oven door or steamy dishwasher only to fog up our glasses in an instant.

How do I choose the right sock?

With so many running shoe options available, it’s easy to forget about the importance of right sock. It is just as important to choose the right sock as it is to choose the right shoe. Socks chosen well will give you excellent comfort and help prevent blisters. Don’t make buying your socks an afterthought. There are so many different brands, thicknesses, padding, types of cuts to choose from it’s essential to take some time and select a sock that is going to be right for you.

Which Petzl headlamp for running or cycling to work

Petzl has a long history of quality and reliable products for recreation, sports and professionals. Petzl produces a range of headlamps suited to runners and cyclists, whether on their work commute or out on the trail. Petzl’s journey, which ultimately led them to become one of the leading headlamp manufacturers began in 1936. Within the current lineup, it is a tough choice to determine the best PETZL headlamp for running or cycling to work.

Runners Issue – The dreaded “Chafe”.

A common issue for many runners – chaffing. Severe chaffing is known as friction burn. You’ve just had a great run maybe the best one in a while or perhaps the longest in ages. You get home and dive into that post-run shower and straight away you are hit with that burning sting – OUCH. Preventing the chafe in the first place is the best way to go here. Common areas for chaffing.

Coping with depression – Will running help?

For those of us who are living with depression and anxiety, running can help relieve the effects of this mental illness. Which is why many people now say, “Running is my therapy“. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. The main form of treatment for depression has been and is still currently medication and psychotherapy, but there is a growing trend for another and third type of treatment – exercise.

Runners Issue – The dreaded “Side Stitch”

What is the stitch? This familiar runner affliction has a few common names – side stitch, stitch in the side, side ache, side cramp, side crampie, side sticker, muscle stitch, stomach cramp, subcostal pain, or simply the stitch. More technically it is known as exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP). It is normally a pain in either side of your abdomen below your ribs, this can vary from cramping, aching, pulling to a sharp stabbing pain.

Beat the commute by running to work

The daily commute to work can be a frustrating car imprisoned waste of precious hours. Or it can be a great chance to get your running shoes and start the day in a productive, healthy and invigorating way. Running to work in the morning is a sure-fire way to start the day on your terms. The health benefits of regular steady paced runs are substantial whether you are a recreational or more competitive runner.

How to stay safe running your commute.

Let someone else know. Always let someone know when you are leaving and your route. This way at least someone else knows about where you went and your route if something happens to you. It can be a room-mate, partner, friend – it doesn’t matter who as long as it is someone who will follow it up if they don’t hear back from you. Don’t forget to let them know when you arrive at your destination.

The fastest way to dry running shoes

Don’t let wet running shoes upset your plans. Need to get back on your feet quickly, try the techniques below to get your running shoes dry in time for your next run. Drying techniques for your running shoes Newspaper method, an old. but slow favourite Hairdryer, a quick solution when done with care. See our top tip to accelerate this drying process Tumble Dryer, fast, but expensive and noisy method Hand dryer, the work commute fallback Leaf Blower, unwieldy but surprisingly effective Drying techniques to never try Drying running shoes in the microwave Drying running shoes in the oven Office paper, this paper is coated and none-absorbant, stealing the last of the printer paper will make you pretty unpopular too!

How to stop my running gear stinking out the Office

Running to work every day is a great way to avoid the hassle of a congested commute while keeping fit and healthy. Stinky running gear, however, can start to make us a little unpopular in the office. Why do our running clothes start to stink and how can we stop it? Top tips to help keep your running clothes stink-free Wash your running clothes as soon as possible after your run If your workplace has anywhere to dry your clothes, use it.

How to choose the right headlamp for running to work

Being able to see where you are going and being visible to other road users is critical for that early morning or winter commute to work. Here are the top considerations to help you choose the right headlamp for city commuting. Essential steps in choosing the right headlamp 100 to 200-lumen output (brightness) recommended. Grab a brightness-adjustable 200 plus lumen headlamp if you do the occasional trail run Choose a battery type that suits you, single-use, rechargeable or USB rechargeable Choose a headlamp that has a runtime of at least 20 hours For running, other than having a few brightness settings and having some water resistance, additional features such as strobe and red lights are unnecessary Stick to well-proven brands, Petzl, Black Diamond or Fenix Look for IPX6 rating minimum, IPX7 as a preferred water resistance standard Running to work in the dark Runners are generally moving more slowly than cyclists.

When Should I Replace My Running Shoes?

Running to work for your daily commute is a great start to your day. Looking after your running gear, especially your shoes is key to keeping your daily commute fun and keeping you injury-free. Running in an old comfortable pair of shoes is great and generally, worry-free for a while, but when should you realistically replace your running shoes? Factors that wear out running shoes. Your weight – the heavier you are the quicker the cushioning of the shoe will break down.

Can I Still Run to Work in Winter?

Winter commutes are great. The shorter days and less predictable weather provide a few extra challenges and planning. Can I still run to work in winter? Hell YES! Running in winter weather Winter provides a few curveballs to the work commute. Shorter daylight hours, less predictable weather, to name a couple. Depending on your location, however, winter commutes can provide a welcome break from heat and sun. Key tips for your winter running commute